Wednesday, October 22, 2008

sPiT BaLLiN RaDiO ShOw 10/22/08

What's goin on ladies & gents or homies & homettes It's another Wednesday here at the "Frat House" aka sPiT BaLLiN RaDiO!!!! Join us as we have the full team in the house this week with the return of the BoY B WoRk and tEcH sUpPoRt Un.... We dive into a deep discussion of the definition of "Skeets", which sex gossips more men or woman and of the on goin battle between B wOrK and tEcH SuPpOrT Un.... so if u enjoy the get in here and take another listen!!!! Shout out to the Prince Of Zamunda aka Wuta, the Big HomMiE D BlocC, Mel aka Lemhaj.... We wont be using Lemhaj ANYMORE!!!!! $!leNT MoNeY, Shout Out to the "sister of the Hey Mones" lol, Shout out to my co-host wOrK, MaDiSoN and tEcH SuPpOrT..... OHHH Shout out to all the LISTENERS!!!!! WITHOUT YA'LL WE CAN'T EXIST!!!!!!

sPiT BaLLiN RaDio sHoW 10/22/08

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