Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tell Me What U Think!!!!

Watch this video and tell me what you think.... I'm sure most people would call her all types of names and say this and that about her but she is right!! These are things that go on between two people, She's just bold enough to talk about it....


Anonymous said...

She was so honest all this shit does go on when your with someone maybe even when ya'll aren't together....

Anonymous said...

lmmfao lmmfao ok how old is this chick... she look like 16 but hey if she 18 or over pass that freak chick this way its PARTY r.kelly u cant come!! (ne ladies out there that over 18 and look good as freaky as this chick hit the aim.. lemhaj

Anonymous said...

I think that she was just talking a lot of shit! You usually don t talk about it if your really doing it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

None of the things she said are considered freaky to me it only sounds freaky cuz she listing all of it. People are way to conservative with their sexuality we all know this is what goes down behind closed doors. Now if she said I like fucking horses while my mom watches THAT'S FREAKY! The only thing that disturbs be about this is the fact she got a side ponytail which means she probably around 15! Please believe ya girl Ash gets down with all that but I'm 26 and grown!