Wednesday, February 23, 2011

sPiT BaLLiN RaDiO sHoW 2/22/11

TeCh sUpPoRt Un Sits In

What's goin on "Luggies" we'rrrrreeeeeeee back lol this week the boy b WoRk is on vacation in Spain so we got an old face back behind the mic (not that u can see our faces yet lol) TeCh sUpPoRt is in the hoooooouse lol...... This week with B in Spain tech support took this chance to go in on work lol u don't wanna miss all the shots he takes at work lol..... but the topic of the day was not being w womens type & what that means so sit back take a listen and don't forget to tell a friend to tell a friend and once you tell 5 friends yall get 2gether and listen again and don't forget to tell ya moms cuz even M.I.L.F.'s love sPiT BaLLiN RaDiO!!!!

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