Thursday, December 4, 2008

tHe gOOkeD FiLeS 12/4/08

What's craccin sPiT BaLLin readers?? We're back with another NEW section on our blog called "tHe gOOkeD FiLeS" now not to long ago we (tHe sLO SipPerS) had one of our usual weekends at the Smacc aka tHe frAt house filled with food, drinks, and a ton of pictures lol.... Now people seem to think that we as sLO SipPerS are some sort of armatures when it comes to havin drinks lol and they end up in what we call tHe gOOkeD FiLeS lol so here's the first entry of tHe gOOkeD FiLeS enjoy...... Leave a comment about the pic!!!!!

(In the pic $!LeNT MoNeY members Killa Ray & BiGG HoMiE BlocC, 2 girls puking)

Post Done By: sWaZ


LemhaJ: Plain-N-Simple? - JaY2genius said...

lmmfao I know them girls!!!

Anonymous said...


kels thee rebel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kels thee rebel said... guys are thee worst.

Anonymous said...

lol oh no. ya are terrible. It is so not funny. oh my. lol.

Unknown said...

what a wonderful night indeed i remember as if it were a friday...o wait it was a friday just like every friday (((REP THE HITMAN HEART)))the best there is the best there was the best there ever will be