Once thought to be the next best female rapper to be hitting the scene Babs from Making The Band had a nice buzz about her. Back in 2005 Diddy started a search looking to put together a rap group what he found was 3 dudes, and 2 chicks one of them being Babs.... The groups album was released right after the reality show ended going Platinum but at the very end Diddy threw the group a curve ball and broke them up keepin only 3 out of the 5 people chosen. Babs was one of the 3 chosen and she was all set to do a solo album but there just wasn't any buzz for her as a solo album, so as all artist who have no buzz one or two things eight happen, either u get dropped or u get shelved Babs got shelved.... So where is Babs now ur guess is as good as mine check ur local bodega and I'm sure you'll find her on a shelf some where lol.....
>Post Done By: SwAz
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