And we're back and it's gOOkeD FiLeS time..... This weeks gOOkeD FiLeS is special and close to my heart lol, I like putting these up cuz I think we all need to be made fun of at times and don't think I wouldn't put myself up here I'm just waiting to be caught being down bottom or fadddddded or Smaaacccccced lol but I haven't yet so it just isn't my turn lol.... But it is my man B's turn lol and if u kno him make sure u hit him up after seeing these pics!!!!! These pics come from a party we had not to long ago we B was playin bar tender and he clearly drank more drinks then he served lol.....
There were way to many pics for this one post so there will have to be a part 2!!!!
Post Done By: Swaz